In these tough economic times everyone is looking for ways to save money. There are numerous ways to do this. One is try and cut back on your everyday expenses or you could also cut coupons for some of the products you buy at the grocery store. I have found something interesting I would like to share. I was doing some research and found out that there are options available for some of the monthly expenses that we all have, like for instance your electric bill. I have chosen to work with a company called
Independence Energy Alliance that not only offers you a better rate on your electric bill but also will give you 5% cash back year after year! I am dead serious. I can't stop telling everyone I know about this little secret that your current provider doesn't want you to know about.
I also have created this blog to educate folks about the company. Please take the time and check out my blog and read some of my archived post. Currently Independence Energy is available in NY, NJ and Illinois. Connecticut and Pennsylvania are next.
If you are interested in knowing more please feel free to send me an email or call me. My contact info is provided under my profile.
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