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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How to save money on your energy cost

Save money and lower your energy cost and minimize heat loss in your home.
There are numerous ways you can save on your energy bill. You could start by lowering your thermostat in the winter and raising it in the heat of summer. Installing new windows is also a great way to help save on cost. Old windows tend to leak, you could also put on storm windows and doors. Make sure you have caulked around your doors, windows and around any other openings that may lead to energy loss.
If your building a new home try using a wrap such as tyvek, it helps keep your home sealed. Install sufficient insulation in your attic as well as your basement or crawlspace. In basements it also helps to put up a vapor barrier to help keep moisture out. Mold in a basement can be hazardous to your family. Make sure before you put up the moisture barrier that you have no cracks in your foundation or you will create a much larger problem.
You can also upgrade your ac unit, which will cost a bit more but will save you in the long run. Have your furnace and your air conditioning condenser checked out yearly to keep them running at there best. Hot water heaters basically have to run all day long and could waste energy as well. If you can afford the initial cost of a tankless system this to will save you in the long run.
Energy deregulation has also given you the consumer a new way for you to save on your fuel cost. Now there are options like green energy and who you get your energy from and that benefits all of us. It has created competition between the energy providers. To learn more about deregulation click on the link above. You still get your energy bill from the same company, they still service the lines and the only thing that changes is who provides your energy! With independence Energy there is no cost to the consumer to switch and you get 5% cash back after 12 months of service! Now that's a great way to save money on your energy cost.
Independence Energy Alliance

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